March 25, 2004

A Match Made In...


Possible captions:

"Mommy, why did you dress us alike?" or
"Damn you've got good hair, John!" or
"Yeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhoooohhhhh!!!!!!!!" or
"How can we screw 'em today?"

Posted by Matthew at March 25, 2004 01:49 PM

possible caption...
DEAN, said with a beaming pridefull grin: Is'nt this great John! The bush mind lock on America is loosening. Can you feel it? All over America right now, at water coolers, in diners, on assembly lines, on the front porches of general stores. In New Mexico, in New York, in Florida and Oregon. The people all over are finally realizing that the emperor has no clothes.
KERRY, with a forced grin through clenched teeth:
You ever slither up on stage with me again you primordial fruitcake and I swear to Christ I'll make sure Matt Drudge finds out about you and Karen Hughs in the rest room at the Kennedy Center last year even if I have to tell him myself!
DEAN (gulp): You da man John, you da man.

Posted by: Jerry at March 26, 2004 12:06 PM

The Right will always be right.

Posted by: at March 27, 2004 02:09 AM

Enjoy the spotlight while it lasts.

Posted by: Erik at March 29, 2004 10:45 PM
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