March 10, 2004

The Sanctity of Morning

I am still getting used to a 5:30AM wake up, but today was better than yesterday, so I know that I'm making progress. In my perfect world, we would all be woken up by the sun bursting over the horizon, through our windows and into our eyes. Yeah; as if. My introduction to the day, probably like yours, is a rude alarm clock and total darkness.

But there is a beauty in the first rays of daylight and I am, once again, beginning to appreciate them. When I first get up, the moon still dominates the sky. It was waning this morning (I think), but it was still bright and crisp in the late winter sky. Then, once I get dressed and ready to leave, the horizon is starting to lighten. I like this time better than watching a sunrise---it's more subdued and friendly. Seeing the sun is a sign that I'm late, so I guess I dread it a little (like a vampire?).

I enjoy mornings and evenings now more than I did when I was younger. I guess I notice the passage of time more now, and I realize that we only have so many sunrises and sunsets to enjoy. Let's not waste any of them.

Posted by Matthew at March 10, 2004 11:55 AM

What a beautiful mind.

Posted by: Erik at March 10, 2004 11:19 PM

Thank you, Erik. That's very kind. I take my mind out and have it waxed and trimmed once a week. ;-)

Posted by: Matt at March 11, 2004 07:24 AM

I see. And here I thought you actually saw Creation's beauty in all things :)

Posted by: Erik at March 11, 2004 08:42 PM
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